Special events and ministry opportunities will be previewed here.
Some may be one-time only- others might occur as a series.
Special events
Special events and ministry opportunities will be previewed here.
Some may be one-time only- others might occur as a series.
Jesus Taught Love!
is the February worship Theme- Join us each Sunday at 10:30
In February we will be studying together the lessons from scripture how Jesus taught is to Love. There is never enough love to go around, but we can be the loving friend, the helpful neighbor, or the caring companion, being the hands and feet of Jesus, come each Sunday and learn how Jesus taught us to Love!
February 2025 -Canned Food Drive
Bring a canned or non-perishable food item to church any Sunday in February. We will be delivering all of the donations to the La Habra Food Bank. Please bring, canned soup, vegetables, chili, fruit and dried beans, rice or oatmeal. Every gift will feed a hungry family in our community.
Monthly Food Drive for
The La Habra Collaborative -food Bank
Community Action Partnership OC - Monthly Food Distribution www.cAPOC.ORG
Food is distributed the third Thursday of each month in our back parking Lot Bring your ID all Seniors in the community are welcome!
125th Anniversary
Thank you to everyone who participated in our 125th Anniversary celebration in May 2023!
We look forward to 125 more years of ministry in La Habra.