Special events and ministry opportunities will be previewed here.
Some may be one-time only- others might occur as a series.
Special events
Special events and ministry opportunities will be previewed here.
Some may be one-time only- others might occur as a series.
Christmas Service- Dec. 23, @6:00 p.m.
Come and join us for a wonderful celebration of Christ's Birth on Christmas Eve (Eve)
Monday December 23, 2024 at 6:00- We will have music, carols, scripture and celebration of light as we receive God's Gift of Jesus- Love's Pure Light - All are welcome.
Preschool Christmas Show - Wednesday Dec. 11, 2024 @6:30 p.m.
Join us as the Pre-School Kids share their annual Christmas Program, they are working hard to have a great show for all, come and get into the Christmas Spirit by hearing them sing! Wednesday Dec. 11, 6:30 p.m. in the Sanctuary.
christmas Giving Tree- December Mission Project
This year we are celebrating Mission by decorating a very special tree in our lobby, it's covered in ornaments that have specific people who we can shop for. Stop in on an upcoming Sunday and select one of the ornaments and then shop for a child in our community or another in need. All of the gifts will be provided to members of the La Habra Community so that they might have a Happy Christmas.
Monthly Food Drive for
The La Habra Collaborative -food Bank
Community Action Partnership OC - Monthly Food Distribution www.cAPOC.ORG
Food is distributed the third Thursday of each month in our back parking Lot Bring your ID all Seniors in the community are welcome!
125th Anniversary
Thank you to everyone who participated in our 125th Anniversary celebration in May 2023!
We look forward to 125 more years of ministry in La Habra.
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